Partnerships for youth with disabilities

In France, more than 3 million young people do not go on vacation. And among them, two million do not even leave on for a weekend. 

Our goal is to offer these young people breathing spaces. Because we are convinced that a summer camp is a great place to discover scouting, we have launched this national project: discovery camps. With a double aim: to promote the scouting and diversity, by creating interactions between scouts and non-scouts.

What’s a discovery camp?

  • A camp of 3 to 7 days for a limited number of young people, about fifteen per camp, who discover scouting, life in nature, team life ...
  • Scout leaders who are more or less experienced, who want to live a new experience and engage with young people they do not use to meet
  • Meetings and games with other scout groups who are camping nearby
  • Partnerships with associations that support families in precarious situations, in particular emergency accommodation centers

A growing project 

  • We launched these camps two years ago, with about thirty young people 
  • Last summer: more than 150 young people were able to experience a discovery camp
  • Our goal this summer: welcome more than 350 young people

An ongoing process 

  • We are using the experiences of previous years to build our training and support program for leaders 
  • We are strengthening our partnerships with associations that work daily with families and young people 
  • We support local groups who want to organize discovery camps
Scout Leaders

"It's a wonderful project, the heart of our educational mission"

“In short: back to basics."

“An experience full of emotion and very intense, both psychological and physical. I am ready to make young people dream again. Thank you "


“If the program and humanism of Scouts et Guides de France is no longer to be demonstrated, it is embodied in those who keep the movement alive. And thanks to you, we have seen it at work these days in the service of children in very precarious situations. (…) These memories will remain for them, without doubt, a strong experience that will empower them."

“Thank you again for this experience offered to young people. Looking forward for next summer! "

Young people

“I loved being around and meeting so many people. "

"You know, I will never forget scouts"